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Frequently Asked Questions

Dog playing with easer eggs
  • Do I have to use treats to train my dog? What if they have sensitive tummies?
    In order to train new behaviours we use food to motivate the dog as there is good evidence that food is highly motivating for most dogs. Without motivation, there is no training or it is unreliable at best. We are generous with payment as we build behaviour and once it is strong, we can often decrease the value of the treat or spread out the payment and still maintain the behaviour. We are happy to suggest ideas for dogs with sensitive tummies and for those who are less interested in treats.
  • Can my dog-reactive dog attend Nose Work classes?
    Yes, in fact we highly recommend it as people report it helps reduce dog reactivity. Each dog has their turn coming into the training centre to search. Afterwards, they return to their cars to wait for the next turn. Only one dog is in the training centre at a time.
  • Can I use a choke chain, prong collar or e-collar in classes?
    Sorry, no. While we know they can work to suppress unwanted behaviour, the research is clear that there are risky side-effects including poor welfare and increased stress and aggression for dogs who are trained with these tools. We use modern, force-free training so dogs are optimistic, eager and love to be with their people. We can help you find comfortable collars and harnesses for your dog that promote happy learning and decrease pulling.
  • How many instructor-trainers are in a class?
    We have 2 certified and experienced trainers in each class of 6 dogs. In Nose Work, we have 1 to 2 certified trainers depending on the class size and level.
  • At what age can I start Puppy Classes?
    One week after the puppy’s first vaccines (which must include a veterinary health check) and the puppy should be over 8 weeks. See more information on the Puppy Class page.
  • Will I get all my questions answered in class?
    Yes, please ask all of your questions. We will do our best to answer them as time permits or to give recommendations for another time to get answers such as after class or by registering for a consultation.
  • Can I bring my mostly-friendly teen or adult dog to group classes if they sometimes barks or lunges at dogs or people?
    Maybe not - we need more information. If the dog is worried and upset in social settings or has a bite history, it is not a good fit. Please contact us to discuss how best to support your dog and/ or to set up a Meet and Greet to evaluate the dog for group classes.
  • How can I help my reactive dog?
    We have a number of options which include our Reactivity Course for humans without dogs (and you can volunteer your dog for demos if you want), Private Training starting with a Consultation with Bonnie and then in-person training with the dog. For follow-up, we have Walk and Train and Reactive Dog Walks, which you can register for, by contacting us.
  • How many dogs are in a class?
    We have a maximum of 6 dogs in Puppy Class, Teen Manners, Tricks and Games, and Sports Camp. In Nose Work and our Reactivity Course (for human learners) it varies from 3 to 9 dogs depending on level and length to class.
  • What if I have never used Zoom before? (Private Training)
    You will receive an invitation from Bonnie prior to the meeting. Once you accept a prompt will help you install Zoom on your computer. It takes only a few minutes and then you will join the meeting with Bonnie.
  • Will I need to clean my house because others will see when I am online.
    We maintain your privacy so nobody will see you or your home. In private training it is helpful for Bonnie to see your dog your dog in action so you can choose to turn on the video function
  • What if I am not available at the time the Live class is on?
    No worries, the replay is available all week for you to watch.
  • I am not tech savvy. What should I do?
    Not to worry we are here to help! Contact us and we will get your set up.
  • Do I need a special camera or microphone?
    No, your computer and phone are good enough
  • Do I need my puppy/dog to be present for on-line classes?
    It is entirely up to you. Some people like to watch first then go to the replay to practice with their dog. Others enjoy doing the live session with their dog.
  • What can I do if I have trouble getting online? (Classes)
    We recommend going onto facebook prior to the live session. If you have any troubles please call or email and we will assist you.
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